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The group will review the Muncipality's communications and involvement over the last two years. (File photo)
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The group will review the Municipality's communications and involvement over the last two years. (File photo)

The Municipality of Rhineland's pandemic policy, as part of its emergency plan, is going under the microscope. Officials are going to carve out some time this spring to reflect on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We are going to look at, in this pandemic, is there any connection to the pandemic plan as we've outlined in our policy?", explained Reeve Don Wiebe. "So we're just going to go over all of that, go over the impact and what this pandemic did for the Municipality."

Wiebe notes this exercise will allow them to reflect on the lessons learned over the past two years.

"We haven't had a pandemic for a long time and so, that theoretical policy puts it into the real context...I know that every pandemic can be different, this was a viral one but who knows what the next one will look like and so, what can we learn from this one?"

The group will review the Municipality's communications and involvement over the last two years, and update the pandemic policy to reflect those lessons learned.

Author Alias