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Money raised from this year's radiothon will pay for things like fuelling up and equipping the helicopter. (Supplied/STARS Air Ambulance)

"Thank you" for supporting the Critical Care On the Air Radiothon 

"Words are not enough." That from Colleen Mayer, Director of Development at STARS Air Ambulance, following the two-day Critical Care On the Air Radiothon that wrapped up Thursday. 

As of Friday morning, Manitobans had donated over $94,000 to the campaign, and the final tally continues to grow. People can still donate here through the weekend. 

"Just know, that from the bottom of our hearts from all of us at STARS, thank you for being there for us. Thank you for continuing to be there, and we are looking forward to you working along with us, riding along on missions for the next ten years and beyond," added Mayer.

Money raised from this year's radiothon will pay for things like fuelling up and equipping the helicopter. 

"We make sure that that ventilator is there when you need it," explained Mayer. "That helicopter is a flying ICU, so from the moment they leave here, it is fully equipped. It's got blood on board, an ultrasound, a cardia heart monitor. We are able to tap in with the transport physicians and record that data and, ultimately save lives and save them quickly."

The funds will also ensure the crew is well trained. 

"They say you need to be the best of the best to work at STARS, so we make sure that our professional development and their skills are top-notch," added Mayer.

Looking back on the radiothon, Mayer said was heart-warming, emotional and exciting to hear the donors call in and explain why they were making a contribution. 

"They're telling us exactly why STARS matters to them, and it is so important."

Author Alias