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The COVID-19 outbreak at the Lake of the Woods District Hospital has been declared over.

This outbreak had been in place since May 5, when two cases of the virus were found after asymptomatic testing of patients. The announcement of the outbreak came just one day (May 4) after the hospital announced its previous COVID-19 outbreak had ended. 

The Lake of the Woods District Hospital first activated its pandemic plan on April 15, after two hospital patients tested positive for COVID-19. 

By April 18, the hospital announced that the outbreak had grown to include nine patients, six of which acquired COVID-19 through the outbreak in the 3 East department. The hospital noted they were also facing ‘critical’ staffing shortages at the time.

On April 29, the hospital said the outbreak had been restricted to the 2E medical in-patient unit, and there had been no new hospital-acquired cases of the virus associated with the outbreak since April 22. The initial outbreak was declared over on May 4. 

Leadership with the hospital says "we would like to commend the entire Lake of the Woods District Hospital team for the tremendous effort to manage the outbreak and for the care they put into their work each and every day."
