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A washed out road in the RM of Morris (submitted photo)
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Flood damage in the RM of Morris

Recovery efforts are underway in the RM of Morris following this spring's flood. 

"We are slowly beginning to see improvements," said Reeve Ralph Groening, noting the water levels have gone down dramatically and many fields are clear of water, however they are not yet dry. As well, Groening said all of the residences that were evacuated have now returned home. 

Now begins work to clean up debris, and repair and reconstruct infrastructure. Groening said the Municipality has identified 200 sites in need of repair so far. 

"(There's) a lot of damage to culverts. We are still finding more culverts that have been washed out. And of course, the roads," he said. "It's a big clean up job."

Preliminary estimates, according to Groening, peg the total cost of repair/damages at about $10 million. He added, it's possible that number could go higher. 

"We knew it would be in the millions. Ten (million) is significant and hopefully, the number does not go higher."

Groening is confident the Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) program will help cover the bill. 

The focus of recovery efforts is on repairing roads and clearing debris from drains that is holding back water and slow down the dry down of agricultural land. 

Groening noted, it is a stressful time for farmers in the municipality as they work to quickly plant a crop before it's too late. He said the next week is crucial, noting the Municipality is doing all it can to facilitate the clean up. However, the Reeve said crews are struggling to keep up with the demand and the calls coming in from the farm community.

"We are making every effort to get machines out and we could use more. We are short of trucks to haul debris...we could use help," added Groening. 

Anyone with time and equipment available to help in the effort is asked to call the municipal office at 1-204-746-7300 or the Municipality's flood line at 1-204-746-3439.

"This is an opportunity for people to join in the fight to clean up the 2022 flood," said Groening.

Author Alias