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Moose Jaw Police Service

2022 June 11 – 2022 June 12

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 44


0934 hours – Motor vehicle accident – single vehicle accident, no injuries, one tow needed, approximately $20,000 in damages.


0954 hours – Assistance to sick person – subject located and taken to hospital voluntarily.


1130 hours – Dispute – verbal dispute mediated, parties separated.


1209 hours – Assault – still under investigation to obtain statement.


1401 hours – Theft – still under investigation to review video and identify suspect.


1433 hours – Disturbance – verbal argument, parties separated.


1540 hours – Neighbour Dispute – spoke to all parties involved and advice was given.


1841 hours – Neighbour Dispute – on going issue, advice given.


2021 hours – Barking Dog – dog owner and dog left the property upon police arrival.


2255 hours – Well Being Check – subject located safe at home and was advised to contact with family.


0035 hours – Loud Party – party had shut down prior to police arrival, noise bylaw warning issued.


0112 hours – Suspicious Vehicle – vehicle located, nothing suspicious, the registered owner of the vehicle lived near by.


0230 hours – Noise Bylaw – subject issued verbal warning.


0424 hours – Threats – still under investigation to speak with all parties involved.


911 calls – 5

Assist other agencies – 4

ASD – 2

Warrants executed – 5

Community Service Projects – 2

Curfew Checks – 3
