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Guenter (far right), pictured at an event in St. Jean last summer, says he is looking forward to engaging with constituents this summer.

Borderland MLA Josh Guenter says the spring session of the Manitoba Legislature was busy and productive with over 20 bills passed.

"Nothing too controversial, I don't think, relative to perhaps other sessions," said Guenter, noting the most significant piece of legislation was the 2022/23 provincial budget. 

"I think the most significant measure that we passed was the Education Property Tax Rebate which increases rebate cheques to 37.5 per cent from 25 per cent, so that was incredibly significant."

Additionally, Guenter pointed to the Manitoba Government's $142 million dollar investment into a super-sized emergency department at St. Boniface Hospital.

"Healthcare has really been an issue for a long time here in Manitoba and across the country, and we know that there's a nursing shortage and a real crunch brought on by the pandemic and we're feeling the impacts that that's left so, that expansion is going to be really significant," he said. 

With the House adjourned for the summer, the MLA says he looks forward to engaging with constituents over the next few months. 

"I'll be going out to the communities visiting all of the festivals and fairs. I believe nearly every weekend is booked," said Guenter. 

During the weekdays, he hopes to touch base with constituents where they are at. Guenter says his office is also planning a public event or two, such as an open house that's been hosted in the past. 

Guenter feels there are really pressing issues, like affordability, facing constituents and Manitobans. The cost of living and gas prices are included in that. 

"The federal Carbon Tax plays a big role in that. Interest rates are rising...and that's why I think it's so important that as a (provincial) government we continue to stay focused on measures that lower the cost of living," said the Tory MLA. "We know the government in Ottawa, unfortunately, has an agenda which I personally feel is contributing to the rising cost of living, but as a (provincial) government we're going to stay focused on reducing taxes and trying to create a more affordable environment here in Manitoba."

Author Alias