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Central Station's Bev Wiebe with WCF Executive Director Myra Peters (All photos supplied)
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Central Station's Bev Wiebe (L) accepts a cheque from Winkler Community Foundation Executive Director Myra Peters. Central Station will use its grant to purchase tables for its brand new location on Main Street in Winkler.

The Winkler Community Foundation (WCF) has distributed nearly $99,000 in grants.

A total of eight Community Fund Grants were awarded, including $5,000 to the Pembina Valley Pregnancy Care Centre, $4,000 to the Flatlands Theatre Company, the South Central Regional Library received $3,000 for its reading garden, and Genesis House also received $3,000 for its transitional housing kitchen.
In addition to multiple other grants distributed under other various designated funds, under the Dr. CW Wiebe Medical Fund, the CW Wiebe Medical Centre was awarded just under $8,000 for ultrasound units.

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A full list of the 2022 recipients supplied by WCF.

