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Moose Jaw Police Service

2022 July 4 – 2022 July 5

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 50

0721hrs – Unwanted guest – Subject was located and sent on their way.


0837hrs – Fraud – Subject is out $3,900.00. This matter is still under investigation.


1111hrs – Assistance to sick person – Subject was located and provided with resources.


1242hrs – Dispute – Situation mediated.


1329hrs – Dispute – File forwarded to the RCMP.


1414hrs – Assistance to sick person – Subject located, and resources provided.


1436hrs – Dispute – Situation mediated.


1530hrs – Theft of Auto – White Buick Lesabre bearing license plate 080KPQ stolen sometime between July3 and 4th. Vehicle added to CPIC.


1527hrs – Landlord/tenant situation – Dispute over deposit. Advised to contact Rentalsman.


1657hrs – Property dispute – Complainant was advised it is a civil matter.


1737hrs – Threats – Statement obtained; this matter is still under investigation.


1843hrs – Mischief – Someone shooting off a BB gun within city limits, this matter is still under investigation.


1852hrs – Disturbance – 2 subjects in the area screaming and loitering. Subject were located and sent on their way.


1946hrs – Assist to locate – Subject was located and left in the care of family.


2218hrs – Dispute – Parties were separated for the night and the situation was mediated.


2219hrs – Assistance to sick person – Subject was transported to the hospital and left in their care.


2231hrs – Assist to locate – Subject was located and returned home.


2310hrs – Dispute – Misunderstanding over driving actions. Both parties spoken to, and the situation was mediated.


0201hrs – Break and Enter – Subjects located digging through dumpster, no break and enter occurred. 1 individual was arrested on outstanding warrants and later released.


0258hrs – Unwanted guest – Subject was located and sent on their way.


Assist other Police Agencies – 1

Parking – 1

Bar Checks – 1

Warrant Executions- 3

Assist other Government Agencies -2

9-1-1 Calls – 4
