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Moose Jaw Police Service

2022 July 7– 2022 July 8

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 58

0754 hours- Well Being Check- Individual located and fine

1010 hours- MVA- 2 vehicle collision. 2 tows. Approximately $10,000 damage. 1 driver ticketed.

1105 hours- Dangerous Dog- Owner warned under the dog Bylaw.

1136 hours- Fire Call- Fire in dumpster. No damages.

1142 hours- Well Being Check- Subject located and is fine. Will be connected with resources.

1203 hours- Well Being Check- Subject located and is fine.

1254 hours- Harassing- Subject was advised to stay away

1329 hours- Dispute- Between 2 individuals. Situation was mediated.

1718 hours- Assist Sick Person- Subject located and transported to hospital

1828 hours- MVA- Single vehicle. No injuries. 1 tow

1908 hours- Assist Locate Found- Subject located and taken back to where they left from

1927 hours- Well Being Check- Subject found to be safe. No concerns

2102 hours- Theft- Vehicle entered and items stolen. Advice given on cancelling cards.

2242 hours- Intoxicated Person- Intoxicated in public. Transported to cells- held until sober.

2300 hours- Dispute- Between 3 individuals. All spoken to and sent their separate ways

2302 hours- Well Being Check- Everyone located. No concerns

2311 hours- Dispute- Between 2 individuals. Separated and warned to stay away from each other.

2346 hours- Well Being Check- Individual located and is doing fine.

0519 hours- Dispute- Between 2 parties. Separated

Warrant Executed- 4

Parking Bylaw- 2

911 Calls- 6
