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Vehicles drive through flooded streets
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As is normal for heavy rains, drivers in Steinbach had to navigate some large puddles as the streets are designed to be part of the city's drainage system

As predicted, the second wave of storms thundered through the southeast Tuesday afternoon.

As of 6 PM, Manitoba Agricultural Weather is reporting the following rain amounts for July 19, 2022

Steinbach - 65.1 mm
St. Pierre - 59.3 mm
Zhoda - 83 mm
Richer - 37.1 mm
Marchand - 100.2 mm
Gardenton - 56.8 mm

Teulon, in the Interlake, has seen the most rain in Manitoba so far today at 114.3 mm or 4.5 inches.

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The digital rain gauge at SteinbachOnline had a creative message for us during the heaviest downpour

The storms and rain are expected to taper off this evening.

Author Alias