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A Hydro worker outside the ALG Professional Centre Tuesday morning.
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Manitoba Hydro on the scene examining the blown transformer located on the east side of the ALG Professional Centre.

Update: According to an email received by Brenda Willey, Manitoba Hydro had power restored to the ALG Professional Centre by 8 pm on Tuesday evening.


A power outage at the ALG Professional Centre in Winkler will affect operations for occupants of the mall for the remainder of the day.
A building-wide power outage, which occurred during a thunderstorm at around 1:30 am this morning, forced businesses in the ALG Professional Centre in Winkler to stay closed this morning. 

Property Manager, Brenda Willey said that includes the CW Wiebe Medical Centre and all other businesses located within the mall.

Willey said electricians from DA Loewen were called in around 7:30, and have been working together with Hyrdo to restore power. Since that time, Willey said Hydro has confirmed the issue to be a blown transformer. 

"They (MB Hydro) do have to get a new transformer from Winnipeg. They said they should have it up and running later this (Tuesday) evening."

Meanwhile, Cedar Estates, which connects to the ALG Professional Centre on the east side, is connected to backup generators and are on reduced power.

Author Alias