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(photo by Hayden Michaels)

As the heat ramps up for August, it's going to be important to remember to stay safe in the heat.

As temperatures reach into the mid-'30s and beyond, it becomes imperative for individuals to be cautious as the risk of overheating rises alongside temperatures.

Terri Lang, a meteorologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada, provided details on the most vulnerable at-risk groups.

"It's important to keep an eye on your pets," said Lang. " Of course, if you're hot, they're hot."

Ensuring that your pets have enough to drink on hot days, and have access to shade if they are out in the yard are important steps to take. If there is no shade in the yard, they must be brought inside to cool down sooner than normal, to avoid suffering from heat symptoms.

"Kids who aren't paying attention to the temperatures," continued Lang. "They're not necessarily moderating what they're drinking."

Young children six and under should be supervised during heat waves, especially outside to watch for signs of dehydration and heat exhaustion. Making sure to equip them with light clothing and sunscreen are important steps to make sure they remain cool and safe in the sunny weather. Older kids should still be reminded to drink water and wear sunscreen, even if they are better at recognizing when they are hot and need to cool down.

"The elderly and those that are shut inside," finished Lang. "It's important to check on them, especially if they don't have access to cooler temperatures because of the heat."

With older folks and those that don't go out a lot, friends and family can help by keeping in contact and seeing if they need any help. Things like making sure they have easy access to water and that their air conditioning is functioning can make all the difference.

Seniors who are planning to be outside and active during the heat can help protect themselves by wearing sunscreen and a brimmed hat to help keep the sun off. While they may be used to working right through the day without much worry, as they get older the sun can have a greater effect on them before they realize it. Keeping track of how long they've been in the sun and taking regular breaks in the shade can make a huge difference.

If you think someone is suffering from heat exhaustion, bring them into the shade and give them water. It may even be necessary to douse them to cool them off, with a bucket of water or a hose. If symptoms appear extreme. don't be afraid to bring them to the emergency room or call 911.

Author Alias