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Residents of Dryden will see a big change when it comes to mayor and council after the upcoming election. 

A new mayor will be elected as Greg Wilson announced earlier this year that we won't seek re-election as he is stepping back from municipal politics to spend more time with his family and his business.

Current Councillor Shayne MacKinnon put forth his papers for mayor. He will be in the running against Jack B. Harrison. 

City council will also see some new faces as Norm Bush, John Carlucci, and Dave McKay have not put their bids in this year. Martin MacKinnon and Michelle Price have decided to run again and will be vying for one seat each out of the six available. 

New candidates for council include; Anne Berrey, David Burch, Catherine Kiewning, Bill Latham, Ritch Noel, Brad Pareis, and Bryan Tardiff. 

In the running for English Public School Board Trustee are Barbara Gauthier and Judi Green. They'll vie for the one seat offered. Meanwhile, Micheline Lovenuk of Oxdrift has been acclaimed for French Separate School Board Trustee. 

The municipal election will take place October 24, 2022. 
