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Garry Sloik
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Garry Sloik

Portage la Prairie City council has another candidate running for one of its seats in the October 26th municipal election. Garry Sloik has held an interest in local politics for some time and has several aspirations for change that he'd like to see implemented, should he get elected. 

He explains why he decided to run.

"I have watched some of the council meetings, and I think that they should be a little bit more open," notes Sloik. "I think people should be aware and have a chance to speak at them a little bit more easily. I realize that COVID has probably held some of it back for the last few years. And then there are a few projects that I would like to see happen and I'm not sure how quickly they can happen. The Koko Platz Community Club lost their building and there was nothing there last year, and there are no signs right now."

Sloik says "garbage hill" and other issues are also of concern to him.

"I know they had a process to have a bike club look after that -- Junkyard Dogs," continues Sloik. "They had to delay their contractor this year. There are some of these things that I'd like to keep an eye on, and ask some questions about. There are some of the street closures that we've had going on. I realize that with construction, there are going to be closures, but I would like to see them as short as possible for the convenience of the citizens."

He explains he's been more involved in business politics rather than city politics, but has lived in Portage most of his life.

"I've been in Portage for probably 65 years, so I've seen some things happening and there's a lot of good things happening here," adds Sloik. "There's a lot of good things, I think, hoping to happen with the hospital, for example."

Sloik says some points to consider in choosing his name for election include his proclivity to being open with people. 

"I'd like to be available for people," says Sloik. "We've been away in the winters in the past, and we're not doing that anymore. I have my health. So, I'm going to be around and I would like to hear what the people's opinions are, and try and reflect some of that." 
