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The Whoop and Hollar Folk Festival is coming back to Portage this weekend, and some local artists will be able to show off their skills. Will Benn, the lead singer and guitarist for the newly-created band the Roadside Prophets, says that it's great to get out after two years of being unable to play.

"We've been sitting still for a while. We're just glad to get out again. There's a lot of stuff to write about, and we want to get out there and express what we do as entertainers. So, we're looking forward to playing shows and more concerts or festivals."

Benn also notes how great it is to play in Portage la Prairie with all of his best friends, that just happen to be the other band members.

"We all grew up around this area, making it a lot more special because we get to play for our home crowd, our family, and our friends. So, that's what makes it all worthwhile."

The singer says that the band may do some covers. However, they love to write original songs from their personal experience.

"It's always somebody's story, like a friend or somebody who stops by to tell their story. There's always something to write about, especially when it's something like a real experience."

This weekend, you can hear the Roadside Prophets, along with many others, at the Whoop and Hollar Folk Festival. Benn explains how excited he is for this opportunity and the chance to see everyone again.

"It's going to be a great show. Hopefully, everybody can make it out. These are the last days of summer, so we're hoping to see everybody out there on Saturday."

The gates open at noon with weekend passes for adults starting at $50, youth at $25, and children 12 and under get in free.

Author Alias