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Preston Meier
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Preston Meier

Another current City of Portage la Prairie councillor has made the announcement to run for re-election on October 26th. Preston Meier has fulfilled one term so far in his political career in the community and says the council with which he's worked makes him incredibly proud to be among those whom he considers a great group.

He outlines his reasons for running for another term.

"I certainly believe that a successful community is the sum of its parts and that we have to continue to be a balanced, welcoming, and inclusive city, where citizens want to continue to work, to live, to play and, of course, we want to grow from there," continues Meier. "In addition to that, obviously, we need to be a place where private investment wants to be. I've been fortunate to be involved in many areas, many groups, and boards. That's really given me an ongoing insight to the continuing needs of our community."

Meier explains that he would like to see a number of continuing projects and help to plan future efforts including Saskatchewan Ave West, our wastewater resources, and continued infrastructure.

"I think right now, one of the most important things on the table is managing the fallout of the closure, such as the Agassiz Youth Centre and MDC, to name a few," notes Meier. 

He says the support for his move into the municipal office extends back for some time. 

"I've been fortunate enough to represent the school board through three elected terms as well, and had continuing and great support, not only from my family, but from the citizens of Portage la Prairie," adds Meier. "Of course, my employer has really been behind me on this, as well. Being a long-term Portager, I love the community. I moved back here in 1992. I brought my family and kids and really made that decision that said, 'Hey, if we're going to stay in this community, we're going to be a part of it.' And what we want to try to do is create an environment where, maybe, my kids want to come back after having moved away and seen the world."

Meier says Portage is unique, acknowledging that there are a few challenges that he feels must still be addressed. 

"The city's seen many successes, but some of the things we've got to continue to talk about it and be on top of, of course, is our taxes," continues Meier. We have to make sure we keep a balance of affordability, but still have the dollars and cents there to improve our city the way the citizens certainly want to go."

He says he wants to continue to partner with the Portage and District Chamber of Commerce, and the incredible relationship that he says Portage has with the RM, as well.

Meier lists other issues that he feels are important including helping our youth, strengthening bylaws, work with the Planning District, city planning, community groups, and potential a transportation system that is going to be effective for the city. 

He adds he's served three elected terms within the Portage la Prairie School Division until 2018 and ran for council in 2018.
