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Large sinkhole north of St. Adolphe
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Photo credit: Facebook.com/Tony Leppac/St Adolphe Community Info

If you have driven down Twin Creek Road north of St. Adolphe in recent months, there is a chance you have seen the large sinkhole.

Ritchot Mayor Chris Ewen says the hole has been there since the spring flood and confirms that yes, the municipality is well aware that it is there. And, though it falls within the Rural Municipality of Ritchot, Ewen says there is an explanation for why repairs have not yet been made.

According to Ewen, repairs to that road will be covered through the Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) program. DFA is a program through our provincial government that helps Manitobans recover by providing financial assistance for uninsurable losses to basic and essential property.

Ewen notes because it is on the DFA list, the repairs must be approved by engineers and inspected in order to determine the cost. Following approval, the province will make arrangements for the repairs to be done. 

"Just bear with us while we get this done because we want it done as fast as you do," is Ewen's request to motorists. 

He acknowledges how frustrating it must be for all those living in that area who must pass by the sinkhole on a very regular basis. 

Ewen says he has heard from local residents who say they are willing to do the work themselves and pile gravel into that large hole. He notes even the municipality could finish the job itself, however, Ewen says that would cost them money. 

"If we did this every single time, it just sets precedence," says Ewen. "And we don't want to set a precedent that we'll just fix it ourselves because eventually, it adds up the dollars and then the taxes go up."

Ewen says the province has not provided a timeline for when the work might happen. He reminds residents that the spring flood created a lot of damage in southern Manitoba and the province has a long list of repairs it is trying to complete.

Author Alias