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GVSD Superintendent Dan Ward

The new superintendent of the Garden Valley School Division (GVSD) said he's feeling very optimistic for the start of the new school year. He also feels many others are feeling the same optimism as the 2022/2023 school year approaches. The first day of school in GVSD is September 7th.

"After a few years there's some fatigue that's built in, and that definitely will be an issue," said GVSD Superintendent Dan Ward. "We're going to really have to watch out for each other as we start this school year, because there certainly have been some trying times."

That being said, Ward said they are feeling quite positive about the start of the school year, not only from some of the rebound they are seeing in their enrollment numbers, but just the fact this is the first year they are starting restriction (COVID) free since 2019.

"I have three school age children, myself, and for my younger ones they've known more about schooling during times of restrictions than times like now where it was restriction free," noted Ward. "I think there is a lot of optimism and positive feeling around that."

"School is really the centre of our communities, the heart of our communities, and it's so much more than curriculum. Obviously, curriculum is what drives the teaching and learning in our schools, but everything from collaborative learning to the extra curriculars, the sports, the clubs and just being able to socially interact. I think we're going to see a real positive start to the school year, and it's going to be refreshing just coming back."

Ward said the fundamentals are going to be important too. "We're going to stress good hand hygiene, and remind folks to stay home when they're not feeling well, and you know, keep an eye on our numbers around attendance, both of our staff and students due to illness."

Around the beginning of last school year, Ward said GVSD's enrollment was 3,640. Since then enrollment is up to over 3,800.  

On top of the additional 200 students already registered for the new school year, Ward said they saw a lot of interest over the summer, with a lot of people coming by the division office for registration information.

School offices will open next week (Aug. 29th - Sept.2nd), and Ward anticipates even more registrations entered into their system next week and going forward into September.

Ward said it brings a feeling of positivity to see families coming back to the division. According to figures from the Division, around 800 students unenrolled from GVSD schools to enter home school or private school over the previous two school years.

"We have a mix of families that have come to the division office. Both families interested in returning to school, and families that are newcomers to the area, so that's very exciting. Obviously, when you have increases in enrollment, it creates some challenges. That being said, we're staffed for over 4,000 students so we do have some flexibility to absorb some extra students, but we will be keeping a very close eye on enrollment trends throughout September, and see where we are at."

Ward started in his new role in July, which he said gave him time to meet with people and get acclimatized to the new division, and learn about some of the priorities.
"Of course, I was hired earlier in the spring, and my appointment took affect this summer so I've had a chance to engage with the board and senior administration and a number of staff on issues that are pressing for our division, and some of our divisional goals, so that's been very, very helpful."

With summer break almost behind us now, Ward said he's very excited to start visiting all GVSD schools to meet with all the principals, teachers, and support staff, as well as all the students and their families. "I think we're all looking forward to the start of a school year."


Author Alias