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Bill Fast, Niverville Town Council candidate for 2022 Municipal Elections

An individual, whose name many Niverville residents will recognize, has decided to add his name to the ballot for Niverville Town Council.  

Bill Fast says his family roots run deep throughout the town. Many are familiar with the businesses his grandfather and father have started and know his family and have become his friends.  

Fast calls himself “an old homeboy”. He grew up in the lumber yard business. He was involved in local sports, music, volunteering and wherever he was needed. These days he is helping with the Niverville Nighthawks organization. He sings in church and local retirement facilities. He loves watching his grandkids play sports and says his volunteerism is “a family trait.”  

He continues, “My dad was that way and all the way down the line. I mean, we love volunteering. Sometimes it's like, if people need help, their friends will say, “Just phone Bill.” 

When asked why he has put his name on the ballot for town councillor, Fast says, “I have personally, no particular issue with the existing council. I just think it's great to give people a chance and let a democratic system work. I have nothing bad to say about our council, but it's good to give people a choice. Acclimation does not really do that, right?” 

When talking about being on council he says, “I believe that things can be done properly. We are a very fast-growing town and with that comes both opportunity and possibility of maybe messing up some time. The key is to realize when something may not have been done the right way, deal with it in the appropriate fashion, and listen to the people. They need to be heard.” 

Fast has had previous experience on Niverville town council, though it was back when he was much younger. In the 1980s when Gil Wiebe was mayor, Fast remember working very hard to bring artificial ice into the original Niverville arena, “we got quotes and when the government had a special deal to match the funds raised by the town, I got that done.”  

These days, Fast is working diligently towards getting a seat on council, how? “I want to know what's going on and I'm making myself available. I'm going to all the Council meetings and I take notes just to find out “Ok, where are they at? What are we doing? So that I can get a better feel for what, I'm coming into.” Fast says he knows the members of the current town council and feels he would work well with them. But he says, he’d like to know what sorts of things they are working on. What projects are top-of-mind? In that way, Fast says, he’ll better be able to know where his strengths, experience and people skills will be best used.  

As for what the residents of Nivervile could expect of Fast, if elected? Transparency.

He feels that council needs to be more transparent with the people who are voting for them. “I know that there are ways of doing that but, you can't hide. I think the public needs to know exactly what's going on and what the thought patterns are of the councillors because they're the ones who elect us.” 

As to why people should vote for him? “I’ve got the time and the energy and I believe I'll do a great job as a member of council.” 

Fast says he still feels young at heart, though he’s recently retired from 40 years in the sales business. He says he’s dealt with a lot of younger generation individuals over the years. “I feel I have a pulse. I know the pulse of this century generation and I'm gonna listen to them just as hard as my generation.” 

“I love dealing with people. I've done that all my life, public relations, you know. I think for me, it's a strong gift to be able to actually talk to anybody and really listen to them. It's kind of my forte, you know? And, I'm about honesty, integrity and determination. I do consider myself progressive and fiscally responsible. But mostly, I love communicating with people.” 
