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Nathan Froese (Shannon Dueck)
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Nathan Froese

For the first time since 2006, Ward Three in the Rural Municipality of Hanover will be represented by someone other than Councillor Bob Brandt. And, Nathan Froese is hoping that someone is him.

Froese has announced his intentions to run for the Blumenort area seat. A lifelong resident of Hanover, Froese has lived in Blumenort the last 15 years and says he thinks it is important that the next Ward Three Councillor lives right in the community of Blumenort. 

"You have to be invested in your community," he says, suggesting someone living outside of Blumenort might not notice everything going on within.

Froese is currently on disability from injuries sustained in a motorcycle crash a few years back. However, he chooses to take the positives out of that accident, noting the extra time on his hands will allow him to give more of his energy to the people of Ward Three and all of Hanover.

"I can 100 per cent commit to the constituents," notes Froese. "I have the time, I don't have the distractions."

If elected on October 26th, Froese says his priorities will include making improvements to roads and drainage in the municipality, but also providing opportunities for youth.

"Because the youth always need something to do," he adds. "Just give them more opportunities to better themselves and to engage more in the community."

Prior to his crash, Froese worked for the family business washing livestock barns. He notes this allowed him to meet with farmers and business people in the area. 

If elected to council, Froese says he would make it his goal to ask residents for their ideas on improvements, but also to keep them informed so that decisions by council do not come as a complete surprise.

According to Froese, he has had people encourage him to run for the seat. He notes the timing feels right to take on this challenge now, rather than waiting for more distractions to get in the way. 

"If you have too many things on your plate, it's hard to meet with all the people on a regular basis," says Froese. "I've been able to meet with (ratepayers) on a regular basis now that I have so much time."
