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Paul Gauthier smiles while sitting on a deck with trees in the background.(submitted)
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Paul Gauthier is seeking another term as councillor for Ward 2 in the R.M. of La Broquerie. (Photo submitted)

There are three seats on council for Ward 2 in the R.M. of La Broquerie and Paul Gauthier is hoping he can hang on to his spot at the table. 

As he nears the end of his first term as a councillor, Gauthier says a lot has been accomplished during his four years on council. 

“We’ve got the splash park, we’ve got the walking trails that we’ve done, improvements to the hall in Marchand; the renovations,” he says. “And now we’ve got the three playgrounds coming up here that are hopefully going to be ready in the next week or two.” 

Gauthier says it is great to see many families enjoying the splash park, noting that it is getting a lot of use. 

“You go there on any given day, and there are young families that are enjoying it. Walking trails, the seniors and families, young and old both utilize it lots,” he reports. “Once we finalize the paving here of the Tetrault Trail Park, it will be the full loop around the golf course which is a great three mile walk all the way around. Those have been probably the two biggest highlights of my four years on council.” 

Gauthier would like to see more walking trails throughout the municipality, particularly in some developments around the Marchand area. 

While he feels council has made great progress with recreation; Gauthier says there is still a lot of work to be done in other areas. 

“I’d like to see some improvements on some of the roads that need improvement, and drainage,” he says. “Make sure that dustproofing is being done properly, and that it it maintains for the full year instead of being gone after the rainfall happens.” 
