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School starts back up this week, which means one thing: School buses are going to be back on the roads. 

Shelley Anderson, the supervisor of transportation for the Portage la Prairie School Division, wants students to act appropriately while on the bus. 

"They need to get on the bus, be at the stop early so that they're there before the bus comes, and they're not running up to the bus as it's approaching. When they get on the bus, they need to find their seats, sit properly and keep the noise to a minimum. Try to be as quiet as possible so the driver can focus on driving."

Anderson says drivers need to keep their eyes open when buses are around.

"Motorists need to be aware that buses are big, have larger stopping distances, and have bigger turn radiuses," says Anderson. "They need more room than the average vehicle on the road. So, give them the room, be courteous, be patient and take your time around them, and be aware that there are students around or on the bus."

She notes that once the buses stop sign is extended, the vehicles must stop. 

"It doesn't matter if you're coming from the front or behind the bus. If you don't stop, it could be a $672 fine and demerits on your licence." She adds, "We have cameras on all the buses. Our goal is not to ticket people. It's to have you stop for the safety of the students." 

Anderson says that all families should have a pretty good understanding of the bus routes, especially since none of the routes have changed from last year. 

"Bus drivers have reached out to all the families to confirm pickup times and locations,"  says Anderson. "We've put some Facebook ads out about the shuttle signups for in-town. If people are unsure about their bus schedule or pickup location, they can call the office at any time. If anybody has concerns about their student's bus route, they need to give us a call so that we can address those concerns."

Author Alias