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According to a local farmer, fields are doing pretty well. 

John Kelly farms a mostly grain farm near Langruth. He says his crops are doing great and he is excited about the upcoming weather.

"The quality is good. It's 10% moisture and, around 14% protein," Kelly continues, "I think this is a little better than average, but I've been shocked with how things have turned out this spring."

July was a phenomenal month. Kelly notes that now that things have dried off and they are in the fields, the areas are holding up excellently. He also explains how he hopes that if the weather stays like this for another six weeks, then everything will be in the bin. Kelly mention's what the key is to farming.

"When you get rain, you can get grain." 

He continues to talk about the weather that we had earlier in summer. 

"We had too much (rain) in the spring. We were nervous. We had some contracts locked in. We're going to fill all those contracts, so this year turned out to be a very good one. " 

Overall he is excited for the rest of the season and what it has in store for his farm. 

Author Alias