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Pierre Poilievre and Ted Falk (submitted photo)
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Pierre Poilievre and Ted Falk (submitted photo)

"I am very pleased with the result."

Provencher Member of Parliament Ted Falk made that comment following the federal Conservative's convention in Ottawa on Saturday, which saw Pierre Poilievre elected as the new leader of the Conservative party. 

"I was there and Pierre Poilievre got resounding support from right across the country of confidence in his leadership of our party," adds Falk.

Poilievre claimed the first ballot victory after receiving 68 per cent of support. 

"I think it's terrific because it was very decisive," adds Falk.

Canadians can expect a Conservative leader who is focused on getting our country's finances back in order, says Falk. He adds Poilievre talks a lot about Liberal mismanagement of the economy and how taxes will only increase if they stay in power. 

"He wants people to have their individual freedoms restored," notes Falk. "He wants folks to live in an environment where we're not passing on a huge tax burden or debt burden to our children and our grandchildren."

Falk says his new leader will be bringing in policies and initiatives and passing legislation that will meet those objectives. 

Falk says it is his belief that the Conservatives have a leader that can represent all of Canada, both in terms of geography and demographics. He notes Poilievre is fluent in both English and French, connecting well with Conservative voters from coast to coast.

"He connected well with voters in Quebec, he connects well with people in Atlantic Canada and he connects well with people across the Prairies and in British Columbia," adds Falk. "He won 330 of the 338 ridings and so that is overwhelmingly supportive numbers to get for any leader."

Falk says the Conservatives are "absolutely convinced" that Poilievre will be Canada's next Prime Minister and that he will deliver on the promises he made to restore peoples' individual freedoms and balancing our budget.

"I think we would see a reduction over the long term in our tax burden when Pierre Poilievre becomes the Prime Minister," adds Falk.

Meanwhile, Falk says it is still premature to comment on the role he expects to have in the Conservative caucus. Falk adds the mood was very upbeat at Monday's Conservative caucus meeting, noting there is a tremendous sense of unity as excitement builds for next week's return to Parliament. 

Author Alias