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La Broquerie Reeve Lewis Weiss
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La Broquerie Reeve Lewis Weiss

The Reeve for the Rural Municipality of La Broquerie is calling it an easy decision. Lewis Weiss is referring to the fact he is running for re-election.

"I had decided quite some time ago already, maybe two years ago," he says. "I just don't always let the cat out of the bag until the end."

Weiss is wrapping up his second term as Reeve, having served in that role the last eight years. He says he always wants to fight for lower taxes and admits he is a controversial person to have as head of council.

"I'm not always the popular guy in the room," admits Weiss. "But, I feel that's the job they put me there for. So, I'm always trying to fight."

Weiss says during his eight years as Reeve, he has been fighting for road repairs and drainage improvements, which are not always viewed as popular projects.

"People like fun stuff," he says. "But the cold hard truth is, if we can't get to the fun stuff on the road, that's not fun either."

Weiss would like to point out several projects and initiatives he has helped with in the municipality since being elected back in 2014. The list includes repairs to roads and encouraging developers to build in La Broquerie.

If re-elected, Weiss says his priorities will include water retention, something he says will help areas downstream including Steinbach, Hanover and Ste. Anne. Weiss says another priority will be to continue with road repairs.

"I enjoy working with the ministers and the province when it comes to encouraging them to help us with provincial roadways and highways through this municipality," he adds. 

And finally, Weiss says with inflation already at historic levels, it will be important to not hit residents with tax hikes. 

"That's another thing I want to fight to make sure we don't do those kinds of things," he adds.

According to Weiss, he is receiving all kinds of support from residents in his bid for re-election. Weiss says over the last couple of months, he has been getting a lot of encouragement to push for another term. 

"I don't always like how the council meeting turns out or dealing with administration and governments all the time," admits Weiss. "But I sure enjoy working with the people to accomplish things. That's the thing that keeps me going."

This time around, Weiss will be campaigning against Councillor Ivan Normandeau who is also running for Reeve. Weiss says to be acclaimed is always a good position to be in, but says this scenario will force both candidates to put their feet on the ground and talk to residents.

Meanwhile, there are seven candidates running for three council positions in Ward 1. They are: Darrell Unger (Incumbent), Alvin Derksen (Incumbent), John Letkeman (Incumbent), Benno Friesen, Jason Hiebert, Chantele Gouliquer and Andy Loewen . In Ward 2 there are four candidates running for three council positions. They are: Fern Piche, Paul Gauthier (Incumbent), Laurent Tetrault (Incumbent) and Timo Gerzen.

Election day is October 26th.       
