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Nomination deadline ended last month and Cheryl Rushing will be back on the Southwest Horizon School Division board for another term.

She won by acclamation and is one of two trustees in Ward 2 the Deloraine-Waskada ward. The other person acclaimed for Ward 2 was Shantel Logeot.

Cheryl Rushing is completing her first term as a school trustees and she enjoys the work. “I am and it’s a challenge I welcome because it’s something a bit different. It’s an important part of our community how we educate and teach our kids.”

Moving forward Rushing says a major change is coming as the province looks to change the funding model for school divisions. “There’s the phasing out of the education property tax and the province is working on anew funding model for school divisions and that’s something we’ll probably be looking at fairly shortly here.”

“That’s the big thing coming up but it’s just nice to not be talking about restrictions and things like that and we’re past Bill 64 and we have some of the big things out of the way. It was a challenging first term but I’m looking forward to another term” said Cheryl Rushing.

Rushing has been the board chair the past two years and she’s letting her name stand for another term.

Southwest Horizon School Trustees will hold their inaugural meeting in early November.


