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Fred Wright, the District Governor of District 5550

Have you considered becoming a member of the Rotary Club? Do you know what they do? That's a question the local group wants to answer as they hope to bring in more members.

Fred Wright, the District Governor of District 5550, was the speaker at Tuesday's Portage Rotary Club meeting and talked about how he is looking forward to the year ahead.

"The action plan is about strengthening all of our clubs and ensuring that rotary is viable and thriving into the future."

Wright says the Rotary Club has a lot to offer, and that's very true in Portage la Prairie, too. The club has been involved in many different projects around the city such as some local parks, the duck pond, and much more, and they could always use more volunteers. 

"People should get involved with Rotary and, get involved in Rotary because we, we just make a difference in the lives of, of youth in particular, and we make a difference in the lives of people in our community that are, are challenged in one way or another." 

As times change, the Rotary Club is adapting as well. If you are eager to help your community become a better place, they want you.

"We can't change the past, we can only change the future. The other thing is, you know, we would like to be more inclusive and more diverse and more equitable and, and that's happening. Nothing ever happens fast enough for me, but it's happening."

You can read more about what the Portage Rotary Club is up to by clicking here. You can read more about Rotary 5550 here.


Author Alias