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To ward off a city-wide-boil water advisory, or in a worst-case scenario, having the city’s water source run much too low, Winkler residents are being asked to do their part and conserve water throughout the week.
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To ward off a city-wide-boil water advisory, or in a worst-case scenario, having the city’s water source run much too low, Winkler residents are being asked to do their part and conserve water throughout the week.

The City of Winkler will be tackling some necessary repairs to the floor of its potable water tank, and residents will need to participate in making the project a complete success. 

The repairs, which are getting underway today (Oct. 10), will mean that the tank will be emptied, completely, and the city will have to rely fully on the Pembina Valley Water Coop and its George Avenue Reservoir as water sources for the week. 

To ward off a city-wide-boil water advisory, or in a worst-case scenario, having the city’s water source run much too low, Winkler residents are being asked to do their part and conserve water throughout the week. 

As long as the community pitches in, the city said Winkler should be able to maintain an adequate water supply, but community participation is necessary. 

According to the City, the average Winkler resident uses 135 liters per day at home 

The City's target water savings per person is 40-50 liters per day during the water tank repairs.

Yiu can find water conservation tips here.

Author Alias