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Candidates vying for a seat in Garden Valley School Division's Ward One this election participated in an all-candidates forum Thursday at Emerado Centennial School in Winkler. The event was hosted by the Winkler and District Chamber of Commerce.

You can view the full forum here.

There are eight people running for six positions in Ward 1 (City of Winkler). 

Three candidates were also acclaimed to Ward 2 (Rural) following the nomination deadline. They are:
1. Michael Rempel, Plum Coulee
2. Heather Di Francesco, Schanzenfeld
3. Mandy Thiessen, Stanley

In addition, the Garden Valley Teachers' Association prepared a questionnaire for the candidates to fill out and resubmit to the association. Those questions and the candidate responses can be viewed here. 

The three candidates acclaimed in Ward 2 - Michael Rempel, Heather DiFrancesco and Mandy Thieseen - were also given an opportunity to respond. You can view them here

Below are the opening statements delivered by the six Ward 1 candidates, listed in the order they were presented, as submitted to PembinaValleyOnline by the candidates.

Karin Banman
“My name is Karin Banman and I’m seeking your vote in this year’s school board election.  

As a parent, educator, and resident in our school division, I know working together with families and the community is a vital part in the success of our children’s educational lives. I believe it is parent’s fundamental right to direct the upbringing and education of their children.  

If elected as school trustee, I will seek effective and improved ways to connect with parents, and then engage students, staff, and the community to best serve all children on behalf of the parents.  

Protocol and policies need to be changed and created based on the needs and values of our community, adopting the best evidence-based practices. Trends or fashionable ideas, and political ideology should be carefully considered by trustees with parent and public input for appropriateness in class curriculum. There should be clear policies that require evidence-based practice guidelines before changes are implemented to ensure the continued quality of education, and safety for our children.  

My goal is to establish high expectations for academic achievement and provide students and staff with the necessary supports to aid the success for all students. I propose a return to a greater emphasis on the skills of language arts and math for the younger children, while adding an emphasis on information and media literacy and critical thinking for the senior students to provide them a strong foundation for their future.  

If elected as school trustee, I will strive to foster parent, community, and staff engagement, as well as make high expectations for academic achievement and success for all students a priority. I will work hard for you with courage as well as integrity and will honour community values for the betterment of all children.  

Please vote Karin Banman on October 26th." 


Pamela Hiebert
“I am a mother of two teenage children who have attended school in the Garden Valley School Division and a student of the division myself.  

There are many positives about our school, and I have developed many good relationships with my children’s teacher over the years. I am inspired by the difference they make in their lives and know the difference some of my teachers made. 

Our education system is shaping our future. We need to remain focused on providing quality education and opportunities for students to be successful as they move into adulthood.   

I believe that; Inspiring teachers to understand the difference they make, ensuring they have the necessary resources for quality curriculum and providing opportunities for parents to walk alongside will help improve student outcomes. 

As a trustee, I will take the time to listen and then work hard to create an environment where both students and teachers can succeed. 

Teachers who inspire our children make a difference for the future and I want to help teachers be inspired.” 


James Johnston
“I want to start out by mentioning how surprised I am at the people in the room - teachers and principals, councilors and past trustees, division administration and parents and grandparents. This is the team that has showed up and has vested interest in our public education system.  

At the expense of sounding like a high school valedictorian speech, I brought a quote from a good friend of mine: ‘We live in a world which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say ‘It’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.’ Then there are those who see the need and respond.’  

So, thank you to everyone for being here, teachers, parents, administrators, past trustees and for doing it because we care about our communities and children, and thank you to the Chamber for putting the event on.  

I’ve been reflecting a lot on the Garden Valley School Division mission statement and belief statements and how it speaks to trusting relationships and partnering with families and communities. Collaboration is built into the core of the school division and is evidenced by the turnout in the room. After this evening, and after the 26th, and the trustees are chosen, this is still the team that will be working for the betterment of our education system.  

I don’t know what I don’t know, but I consider myself a lifelong learner and I'm willing to put in the time and effort as school board trustee. I believe this community is worth investing in and that the best outcomes are achieved (when) everyone (teachers, administrators, students and parents) feels valued and supported. I think we can all agree with the statement ‘The most meaningful way to succeed is to help others succeed.” 


Incumbent, John P. Klassen
"Any trustee capable of realistic self-appraisal will tell you that it takes a year or two to understand the work of a school board and be significantly impactful.  

Why do I begin with that statement?  

Because the GVSD board will have at least five new board members in this coming term. Fresh faces and perspectives are good around the board table, but only if they are balanced by experience. I believe it's imperative all four experienced incumbents return, so we can mentor the new board members, just as we were mentored.  

I have proven experience and I've demonstrated it in different measures.  

I have served on the GVSD board for the past eight years, serving as Vice Chair on numerous occasions. I have provided leadership in areas such as strategic planning, policy development, recruitment of senior administrators and board professional development. 

In addition to my experience, I have been affirmed for my leadership integrity. Those who have worked with me have heard my wisdom and discernment, willingness to ask hard questions and work through challenging situations, ability to indicate a high level of commitment and teamwork, and my ability to formulate ideas verbally and in writing.  

Over the past eight years, GVSD has been recognized as one of the strongest school divisions in Manitoba. I would love to help us maintain this reputation. More importantly, I want to ensure that we continue to hire the quality staff presently serving our division, and that we continue to operate with the education excellence our children deserve.  

Thank you to the Chamber for allowing us this opportunity to share. Thank you to all of you for coming and showing interest tonight.  

On October 26th, I would like you to seriously consider going right to the bottom of the ballot, where I was put, and vote for John P. Klassen. Maybe what is said in the Bible will come true, the last will be first.” 


Incumbent Leah Klassen
“Good evening, thank you for coming out tonight. Your time is truly appreciated. And thanks to Chamber for hosting. 

These last few years have been some of the most difficult years in our history; personally, and in school divisions. While boards in the past have had time to look forward, these last 3 years, divisions have had to react. The Education Review, the pandemic, senior administration loss and then there was Bill 64. The school division was trying to cope with the next big thing.  

So, what does education look like and where does the school board fit in? I would suggest there are three main points that you should look for from your school board in the next 4 years.  

Recovery learning. Between connectivity issues, parents having to stay at home to help, and teachers trying to make sure that all their students would succeed, learning was tricky. While we all tried our best, students are back in school and for some, they will need to catch up. This is recovery learning. It will require open communication and resources to ensure our students get the help they need to succeed. 

Next up is Mental health. This is currently on GVSD’s strategic plan; however, it is more critical than ever to commit resources here. The ongoing stress, fear and uncertainty of the last few years has weighed heavily on our students and our staff. Many are tired. We need to look after their emotional well-being, so they are strong enough to thrive in school either learning or teaching.  

We finish with governance. This isn’t an exciting topic to most, but it is critical to the well-functioning of your school division. A school board needs to know what their job is, and how to do it. In 2010 when I was elected, we saw an almost wholesale change of the board. We worked hard learning our role; however, this caused the work of the board to stall for about a year. 

Frankly, our children can’t afford to wait. After the election, GVSD needs to come out of the gate strong and re-focus on education. In truth, the community needs the experience that the 4 incumbents can bring. 

During the last 12 years, I’ve been fortunate to have had a variety of leadership roles and be a part of educational conversations locally and provincially and on October 26, I would ask that you support experience on your ballot.” 

Incumbent Tena Lane
“I’d like to begin by asking you a question: What are you looking for in a Garden Valley school trustee? 

For most of us, it comes down to candidates we relate to on a personal level. We tend to vote for people that are most like ourselves, so let me tell you a bit about me.  

I was raised in a home that valued service to others with a strong work ethic.  My parents, an engineer and a nurse, also ran a business on the side.  When I wasn’t in school or working with them in the shop, I was in a Lutheran church. Where I grew up, the jokes weren’t about “yant sied” or “dit sied” but, rather, about Swedes and Norwegians.  

Moving to Canada with my husband Eric and raising 3 kids without extended family was challenging.  For close to 20 years, a big part of our lives centered around the school day and their school lives. Garden Valley was a place where our children made friends and learned what it means to be Canadian. 

So, back to the question: What are you looking for in a school trustee? 

For me, it’s about: making decisions that support all students in becoming good workers, neighbours, and citizens, with skills and the knowledge they will need, to thrive. 

Why vote for me?   

I believe that our school system exists to nurture kids in the understanding that we all live together regardless of differences of culture, race, religion, economics, identity, or ability.  

I believe education increases options and choices, and that we take our education with us, wherever we choose to work and live.  

I believe public education is a community builder, and that being a trustee is how I serve my community.     

I’m currently serving as Operations Chair and Audit Committee Chair in my first term as GVSD Trustee. It would be my honour to serve on the board for another term. 

Please vote: Tena for Trustee for GVSD."


Phillip Unruh
“Good evening, Keith, fellow nominees and Winklerites.  I would like to start off by congratulating Heather, Mandy and Mike on being acclaimed into the position of School Board Trustee and I look forward to, Lord willing, serve with you. 

Local education is something that I am passionate about.  I had the unique opportunity to serve on the Gordon Wiebe Education Award Board for about 6 years.  The uniqueness was that I did not simply serve on the Board, I was a part of the founding group.  This meant that we looked at the post-secondary education of GVSD graduates; we identified gaps and barriers that these students would face, and we went on to find ways to help students overcome these challenges. This experience was both eye opening and rewarding. 

Up until a year ago, running for School Board Trustee was not on my horizon.  The truth is, I have spent the last year exploring and looking for a good reason not to run.  I found none.  Instead, I had a lot of encouraging conversations with educators, trustees and concerned citizens about why I should put my name forward as a School Board Trustee.   

I discovered that a lot of my experiences would allow me to positively contribute as a Trustee.   

I grew up in Winkler.  I have adopted the values of the community.  I was an academically ambitious GVSD student.  I was very involved in school as a student.  I used that academic base to successfully complete 7 years of post-secondary education.  I came back to Winkler to serve the community with that education.  I started a family.  I stayed involved in the community.  And I am here now, asking you to give me the opportunity to continue serving the community by voting for me, Philipp Unruh, on October 26th. “ 


Incumbent, Deana Wilson
“I believe a focus on student education, experience, opportunities for GVSD, and community service are four areas that are valuable to our school division. 

Garden Valley School Division is home to over 4,000 students. It is the board’s responsibility to the community, parents, and these students to create policy and a strategic plan that enables the best possible opportunities to become critical thinkers and lifelong learners.   

I have served one four-year term as a trustee.  I found the first couple years were a steep learning curve where I did a lot of listening and asking questions of fellow trustees who had served multiple terms. I appreciated the mentorship that was shared around the table. I feel I am able to contribute ideas and perspectives that are valuable to our discussions.  

I have served on all of our committees at some point in my term in an attempt to learn each aspect of the boards’ work.  Moving forward, I think having experience around the table is vital for the momentum of success to continue. 

I believe there are many opportunities on the horizon for GVSD.   

Due to the challenging past couple of years, there is a chance to make a real difference in the education of the students put in our care.  While the board is not in the classrooms, I believe there is a good relationship and trust with the teachers and administrators where we can work as a team to make improvements where necessary for the betterment of our community.  There is work to be done to build back trust with the community and I’m committed to listening to ensure that happens. 

Leading by example is a value that has pushed me to be involved in our community. Moving to Winkler has made me realize what a special place this really is. There are people here who are passionate about family and this city. I want to be a part of that and help ensure that Winkler continues to be a desired place to raise a family, run a business, and live.   

Thank you once again for the opportunity to serve GVSD.  Student education, experience, opportunities for GVSD, and community service are the things I find important.  Please vote for Deana Wilson on October 26th.” 
