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Swimmers of all levels will see a new transition in swimming lessons come 2023.  

According to the Portage Regional Recreation Authority recreation manager Zapphira Neuschwander, Red Cross Swimming Lessons are no longer available. She says that there will be a new organization taking over for lessons. That organization is The Life Saving Society.  

"Not a lot has changed, but there are some changes to some of those skills inside those lessons, and the biggest change would be the lesson names." 

Neuschwander says the change from Red Cross to the Life Saving Society has been in the process for about a year. She also notes that they are constantly looking for lifeguards, especially now that there are a couple of new things that they need to learn before 2023 rolls around.  

"Our lifeguards are undergoing a large education transition, so that's something we've had to do internally: transition all those certifications, and they've had to redo some education. So that they're fully prepared to teach this new lesson set." 

The recreation manager says she is excited about this new transition and notes that her staff is there to help. You can reach out to their Facebook page if you need any questions regarding changing programs. 

She concludes by saying that a new lesson schedule will be on the way soon.  

Author Alias