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While the October municipal election resulted in a full council for the Town of Altona, one seat around the table remains vacant. 
The search is on for a youth representative.

"A quarter of our community under the age of 19, and we want to make sure that we are hearing those voices in our decision making," explained Mayor Harv Schroeder. 

Having a youth rep on Council has been a 20-year tradition in Altona, and Schroeder says they want to keep it going. 

"As different questions come up at the Council meetings, we do give them an opportunity to share their views. In the past, it was what the W.C. Miller Student Council would bring forward or what they were doing in school. We get to hear some of their views," noted Schroeder.

As a result, Council is looking for a member of the community that is under 18 years old, and is interested in municipal government, community engagement and decision making to take on the role. 

Current councilor, Jordan Siemens, served as a youth rep from 2009-2010. He says it was an invaluable opportunity to learn about how the community functioned, and to participate in planning sessions and see the trade offs and debates over alternative futures for the town first-hand. 

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Jordan Siemens

"I still remember the first issue I brought from the student council over improper signage along Main Street, and how gratifying it was to see it corrected within a week. That ability to learn about municipal government, provide input, and make connections with community and civic leaders lead to my decision to run for Altona Town Council in 2018 and serve for the last 4 years."

Siemens was re-elected to serve a second term on Council in the October municipal election.

"I would highly encourage any curious youth who like to learn how things work to come join our Council for the next year and take advantage of this unique opportunity," he added.

Those interested can contact the Town of Altona administration office. 

Author Alias