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The Christmas meal is an extension of Cafe 545's regular Monday night community meal. (File photo).

A trio of local organizations will get a share of $260,000 through the province's Community Celebrations Program launched Arts, Culture and Sport in Community (ACSC) Fund. In total, the Manitoba government is supporting 59 community events across the province.

“Celebrations, festivals, fall suppers, and similar community-based events offer a unique opportunity for Manitobans to come together to celebrate their culture, heritage, and community,” said Sport, Culture and Heritage Minister Andrew Smith. “Our government is proud to support community organizations through the Arts, Culture and Sport in Community Fund, allowing them to innovate and respond to emerging community needs.”

As a result, Winkler's Central Station Community Centre is receiving $5,000 to host the Cafe 545 Christmas meal on December 19th. 

Also getting $5,000 is the Morris Curling Club which is set to host a 125th-anniversary celebration April 13-19. 

Finally, the Many Hands Resource Centre in Morden will receive $2,000 for a Community Celebration Series. 

The three-year, $100-million Arts, Culture and Sport in Community Fund was established in August 2022 to support the arts, culture (heritage, public libraries and ethnocultural organizations), and amateur sports sectors, to enhance opportunities for Manitobans to access quality programming and facilities in their own community.

ACSC funding is distributed through three programs:

large capital projects;
small capital projects and special initiatives; and
community celebrations.
Applications for the ACSC’s Community Celebrations program are reviewed quarterly. The current intake is open until Dec. 15.

Click HERE for more information.

Author Alias