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Kam Blight at 2022 AMM Fall Convention
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AMM President Kam Blight at last week's Fall Convention in Winnipeg

R.M. of Portage la Prairie Reeve Kam Blight was nominated by the RM Council to run again for a second term as President of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities this year. Blight was acclaimed as president this week.

He shares how he feels about the acclamation.

"I'm certainly appreciative and honoured to have the opportunity to represent the Association of Manitoba Municipalities for another two years," says Blight. "To be the President of this Association, and lead this great group of individuals, is truly a great honour and something that I take very seriously. I'm looking forward to the next two years. Not often you get the opportunity to be the representative for all the elected officials for 137 Municipalities, lobbying on their behalf, and speaking on their behalf provincially and federally."

He explains the process requires municipalities to nominate someone for an executive position, whether it be Vice President or President.

"That individual has until November 21st to accept that nomination," continues Blight. "They can let their name stand up to that point. For the position of President, there was another individual. He brought his name forward, but the week prior to the convention, he decided that he was not going to accept the nomination. I was acclaimed at that point."

Blight says he wants to thank his peers and all the elected officials across the province for entrusting him to lead that great organization. 

"I really thank them for the support that I have received," adds Blight. "I've certainly gone through a bit of a challenging time here recently (regarding a recent serious health concern), and the outpouring of support has been absolutely incredible. I'm very excited to be the President of Association of Manitoba Municipalities in the next two years and working alongside Vice President Brad Saluk and Vice President Kathy Valentino from the City of Thompson. I feel we have an excellent executive. I'm really excited to work very closely with them and I look forward to the Board of Directors positions being filled here next week. Once again, we have a phenomenal staff at AMM. I'm just very excited about the next few years."

Author Alias