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A 59-year-old Machin man has been arrested and charged after officers conducted a search of his vehicle during a Festive RIDE stop. 

On November 26, 2022 OPP officers with the Dryden Detachment were conducting a festive RIDE program on Highway 105 in the Township of Machin. A driver approached the RIDE program and was requested to provide a breath sample. The driver refused to provide a breath sample, at which point the driver was placed under arrest.

Officers then searched the vehicle and located a quantity of suspected methamphetamine, cocaine and Canadian Currency.

As a result of the investigation, Daniel Desmarais has been arrested and charged with the following charges:

  • Failure or refusal to comply with demand contrary to section 320.15(1) of the Criminal Code (CC)
  • Possession of proceeds of property obtained by crime under $5000 contrary to section 354(1)(a) of the CC
  • Possession of a Schedule I substance for the purpose of Trafficking - Cocaine contrary to section 5(2) of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA)
  • Possession of a Schedule I substance for the purpose of Trafficking - Methamphetamine contrary to section 5(2) of the CDSA

The accused was released from custody and will appear on December 19, 2022 at the Ontario Court of Justice - Dryden to answer to the above charges.

Mandatory Alcohol Screening allows police with an approved alcohol screening device to demand a roadside breath sample from a lawfully stopped driver without having reasonable suspicion that a driver is alcohol-impaired.
