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File photo of City crews hauling snow to a dump site
Title Image Caption
File photo of City crews hauling snow to a dump site

Every time City of Winkler crews get the call to clear streets after a snowfall, 130 kms of roads, 60 kms of sidewalks, and 59 cul-de-sacs are maintained.

And at what point do crews head out? under the city's operational Snow Removal Policy, the response is tailored to the nature and magnitude of the snow event and the necessary resources are immediately made available to ensure city streets remain passable and are returned to safe winter driving conditions as soon as reasonably possible. 

The policy states Snow removal will typically only begin after 5-7 cm of accumulation. According to the city's website, crews will generally concentrate on the primary routes first and then move on to secondary roads.
Downtown streets are usually cleaned between midnight and 8 am due to less traffic and for windrowing.

After a snowfall, waste & recycling should be placed 5-10 feet from the street to avoid contact with the snowplow. Street cleaning for a certain route may be left until the pick-up is complete. 
When a city-wide plowing program is implemented, it will be completed within 120 hours after a snow event.
After a snowfall and snow-clearing efforts are underway, residents are asked not to park on city streets until they have been cleared.
