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A strained relationship, financial struggles, a stalled career or an unhealthy lifestyle are a few reasons a person may feel mired in a hopeless situation. Most people have been there at one time or another. The key is to have the tools to overcome that feeling of being “stuck.” 

Jimn Kyles shares practical, actionable tips in his new book, Unstuck and Unstoppable: Shake Off The Past, Find Your Purpose, Get On With Your Life.

“I know what it’s like to be stuck, and I am sure I’ll get stuck again! However, I am not quitting, and neither are you. I refuse to leave you behind,” Kyles said. That’s why Kyles wrote his new book from a genuine place of compassion and understanding. He doesn’t speak “at” readers. He walks alongside them on their journeys.

“God doesn’t want you stuck or living in regret,” Kyles said. “He desires that you not only start your race but finish it strong.” Since it’s estimated that 80% of people feel stuck in life, Kyles knows there are plenty of people who struggle to move forward and live life to the fullest. He knows because he’s been one of them.

Jimn Kyles says Unstuck and Unstoppable is an important read for anyone who is feeling hopeless or stuck and wants to find a path forward. Readers will discover inspiring stories, godly wisdom and the comfort of knowing that the author has been right where they are.
