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(stock photo) "Everybody at the end of the day wants to get home safely and a simple traffic stop in our situation can be fatal when it's totally unnecessary and avoidable" Chief Brad Neduzak

The case involving a stolen vehicle remains under investigation by Winkler Police. 

Around 10:30 last Tuesday morning, a male parked his pickup truck near the front door of a business in the 800 block of Main Street.

Planning to only be inside the business for a minute, the male left his vehicle running with the keys in the ignition. When he returned to his truck, it had been stolen.

The Winkler Police Service received a report last week of a possible scam regarding a vehicle for sale. 

The complainant stated they had sent a deposit for a vehicle that was listed for sale in an online classified ad. However, when the buyer went to pick up the vehicle, there was no vehicle for sale at the address and all communication was lost with the seller.

A 51-year-old resident of Winkler was arrested for impaired driving early Saturday morning after police followed up on a report of the man sleeping in a vehicle.
The report was called in when the man was spotted passed out in a vehicle near the intersection of Highway 14 and 15th Street in Winkler at 1:30 am. Police found the vehicle partially in the ditch, unoccupied, and still running. 
The driver had walked away from the vehicle, but officers were able to locate him based on information provided by the caller. After breath samples were taken, which registered over twice the legal limit, the man was arrested for driving while impaired. 
