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Moose Jaw Police Service

2022 December 19– 2022 December 20

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 60


0648 hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject was at a business and left without incident.

0651 hours- Theft of Auto- Still under investigation

0746 hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject left upon request

0828 hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject was given options and warned.

0924 hours- Property Lost- Wallet reported missing.

0945 hours- Theft Under- Two individuals stole food from a store. Still under investigation

1008 hours- Fraud-Cheque- Cheques used and an individual is out money. Still under investigation

1026 hours- Property Lost- Complainant lost rings

1030 hours- Dispute- Between two individuals

1106 hours- MVA Over- Vehicle hit a light post. Damages to city property. No injuries

1108 hours- Found Property- Owner was notified

1135 hours- Theft Under- Vehicle entered and items were stolen.

1158 hours- Threats- Dispute between two individuals. Advice was given

1202 hours- MVA over- Two vehicle MVC, two tows and no injuries

1306 hours- Parking Bylaw- Owner contacted to move vehicle.

1308 hours- Noise Bylaw- Dispute between two individuals. Situation mediated

1312 hours- Disturbance- Subject contacted all ok.

1312 hours- Property Found- Licence plate dropped off at SGI

1310 hours- Attempted Theft- Subject to be charged with possession stolen property

1447 hours- Parking Bylaw- Unable to contact owner. The vehicle was towed

1525 hours-MVA Under- Complainant reported as they witnessed

1559 hours- Driving Erratic- Subject was warned for their driving actions

1646 hours- Assistance to sick person- Resources were provided and situation was mediated

1652 hours- Mischief- Damaged vehicle. Still under investigation

1744 hours- Theft Under- Approximately $600 worth of items stolen from a delivered box.

1846 hours- Dispute- Family dispute. Situation was mediated and one youth was warned.

1923 hours- Suspicious Occurrence- Vehicle slid off road. No injuries. Approximately $15,000 in damages

2021 hours- Theft Under- Dispute between two individuals.

2129 hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject was spoken to and banned from a business

2135 hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject was removed from building and left with no issues.

2158 hours- Theft of Auto- Still under investigation.

2202 hours- Well Being Check- Subject was provided lodging for the night

2243 hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject left the property.

0013 hours- Well Being Check- Two dogs were taken to Humane Society

0152 hours- Assist Ambulance- Subject was intoxicated, transported to the hospital by EMS

0531 hours- Subject left business and was warned not to go back.


911 Calls – 9

Curfew Checks- 2

Assist Other Government Agency – 3

Assist Other Police Agency – 2

Parking -3

Warrant Executions – 1
