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Reeve Siemens (middle) surrounded by the new Council, including Deputy Reeve Mervin Dueck (far right, front). Supplied photo.
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Reeve Siemens (middle), surrounded by the new Council, including Deputy Reeve Mervin Dueck (far right, front). Supplied photo.

2022 saw a series of water and wastewater projects get underway in Rosenort. That includes the completion of a water plant storage and distribution system.

"I think that all went online this fall," said Reeve Scott Siemens. "So we went from twelve hours of water storage to three days worth in the event of a water outage upstream."

As for the lagoon expansion, all that's left is seed grass on the dikes come spring. 

"This is something we knew we needed in order for the development that we have starting this spring," added Siemens, noting both of these projects help pave the way for additional future growth in Rosenort. That includes a new modular, prefab daycare that was announced in November as part of a federal, provincial, and municipal partnership. It will be situated on two lots in a residential development that is expected to be ready for construction in spring. 

"The last update that I have is, mid-January we should expect to see some drilling action for the piers of the building," said Siemens. 

The hope is that this new daycare will pave the way for more people and industry to come live and work in Rosenort as residents currently have to find childcare outside of the community.

Meantime, 2022 was a record year for new building permits in Rosenort, ringing in at 20. 

As well, Lowe Farm was home to significant development this past year. 

"This fall, a twenty-one-lot subdivision was serviced and is ready to go," said Siemens. "We have contracted with a local realtor, and you can find that information on our website."

2022 brought its share of challenges to the municipality, however. 

The year saw the sixth-largest flood on record hit the Red River Valley, including the R.M. of Morris, unexpectedly following a summer of drought in 2021. It resulted in $20 million in damage for the municipality, not including private property. 

Siemens explained repairs and mitigation work is still ongoing.

"Flood repairs continue to feel like they take a long time," he said. "When you're in there living it and you're seeing things moving slower than you wish, I can understand how the ratepayers are getting a little frustrated but we are doing our best. We have hired outside contractors all year, as has been highlighted in the past, and we continue to do our best."

Meantime, Siemens says the Municipality is going to have to address the significant cost of its very popular commercial recycling pick-up service as part of its solid waste program in 2023. 

"Uptake was so impressive, and we're proud of that, and we're realizing that comes with a significant cost," explained the Reeve. "Council is going to work together in the next month or two to put forward a motion to AMM (Association of Manitoba Municipalities) to lobby the provincial government to help fund that commercial recycling."

Also in 2023, Siemens says he'd like to see more in-person communication between the Municipality and its citizens after the pandemic forced people to socially distance and find alternative methods of keeping in touch. 

"There's still something to be said, I feel, for meeting face-to-face or picking up the phone and calling to ask a question," he explained. "I realize that will take more time and effort by myself and our Council, and maybe our administration, but we just want to remind everyone that we are open for business so-to-speak and there's no question too silly."

Author Alias