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Hasell says what we have been experiencing since last week Thursday is called radiation fog, which happens when our temperature drops to the dew point in a relatively stable, calm air mass.

Another night, another chance of thick fog for southern Manitoba.
Natalie Hasell with Environment Canada says what we have been experiencing since last week Thursday is called radiation fog, which happens when our temperature drops to the dew point in a relatively stable, calm air mass.

"And it will be worse in the overnight period, in the early morning period," notes Hasell. "And that's pretty much what we've had here I'd say repeatedly now since late last year."

According to Hasell, though the fog has been felt extensively throughout southern Manitoba, it has also impacted our neighbours to the west in Saskatchewan, our friends to the south in the United States, and even a little bit to the east in Ontario. 

If you enjoy waking up to see hoarfrost on the trees, Hasell says we can expect more of the same for the next several days. She notes there are some cloudy nights coming up in the forecast which could make a difference but says there is still a lot of snow on the ground which can contribute to moisture as well. 

"I would not be surprised if we see this repeating the next several mornings till the weekend, maybe even including the weekend," she adds.

Beginning late Sunday and into Monday, Hasell says there is a bit of a change happening where the atmosphere should be less stable, though she is not ruling out the possibility that it could still be foggy.

Hasell reminds motorists that though the fog can produce very pretty conditions, it can also create icy roads while reducing visibility.

Meanwhile, there is an old saying that if it is foggy today, it will rain 90 days from now. Hasell says that is not something that is taught in school of meteorology. However, she says if you consider that 90 days from now is early April and the start of spring, it is certainly not beyond the realm of possibility that it could be wet. 

"I don't know that you can really give any great weight to this saying," she says. "But, if we look at the coincidence of things it makes sense that foggy conditions now, three months later we're in a totally different season and in a wetter season, so sure, why not."

Author Alias