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Morden-Winkler MLA and Manitoba Finance Minister, Cameron Friesen during a 2022 announcement at the Manitoba Legislature. (Supplied photo)
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Morden-Winkler MLA and Manitoba Finance Minister, Cameron Friesen during a 2022 announcement at the Manitoba Legislature. (Supplied photo)

Manitoba Finance Minister and Morden-Winkler MLA Cameron Friesen says Manitobans can expect a new budget sometime early this year.
Friesen says they've been actively working to bring forth the budget for 2023, which he said will include investments into healthcare and investments in infrastructure.

"This is a government that continues to take the pulse of Manitobans, we are listening," said Friesen. "We will be making extraordinary investments in healthcare, training new nurses, retaining doctors, recognizing the credentials of people who have trained in other areas to come here and be able to practice in Manitoba." 

Friesen said they will also continue to consider where Manitobans are with their own pocketbooks. He added that his government is committed to keeping a keen eye on what they need to be doing to help Manitobans with affordability.
Beyond the budget, Friesen says it's an important year for Manitoba with the provincial election coming up in the fall.

"Our government, we believe, has a good story to tell. Even now, six years into government," said Friesen. "Yes, there have been challenges. Yes, we all fought through a pandemic together. Yes, we all made mistakes along the way as we tried to do the very best job we could for Manitoba, but we believe that we are still the party with the team, and the ideas, and the proven record. And that will be the message that we bring forward to Manitobans as they head towards the polls in October of 2023."

Friesen says 2023 will also be a busy year in his riding. He noted the anticipation of seeing a number of significant projects continue to progress, including the expansion at Boundary Trails Health Centre.

"And now if you're passing Boundary Trails Health Centre, you actually see that they are pushing this and getting to work on an almost $70 million expansion. The most significant expansion of healthcare services in this part of the province in 1/4 of a century. We're very excited about what this will mean to get people care closer to home. In addition to that, of course, a new school for more than going ahead right now going out for tenders. And so we are very encouraged to see that project moving towards completion." 

Author Alias