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Provencher MP Ted Falk (submitted photo)
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Provencher Member of Parliament Ted Falk (submitted photo)

The Member of Parliament for Provencher says all signs are pointing to a federal election this year. 

The last election happened in September of 2021 when the Liberals won a minority government. Ted Falk says it is highly anticipated that we will return to the polls in early spring.

Meanwhile, Falk says one thing that concerns him, as we head into a new year, is inflation. But, having said that, he notes for those being pinched by inflation, there is a tremendous amount of opportunity to work in Canada. 

"I know many employers that are looking for part time employees," he says. "And there are part time opportunities to supplement one's income that are available to folks that do need a little extra income and are finding themselves cash strapped."

Falk notes we live in a land of opportunity with tremendous resources. It is his opinion that Canada is the best country in the world to live in, with wonderful democracy and a huge landmass. Falk says Canada has resources unparalleled anywhere else in the world, including energy, forestry and mining. He adds our agriculture land is top notch.

But, having said all that, Falk says 2023 needs to be a time of healing for our country. He notes so much division still exists today from the pandemic. This division can be found in our families, communities and across the country. 

"We're past COVID, I think we need to recognize that," says Falk. "We need to start healing those divisions and moving forward together again, working harmoniously with one another."

Author Alias