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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 January 9– 2023 January 10

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 50

0651 hours- Trespass- Subject banned from business and to be charged

0742 hours- Unwanted Guest- Individuals were sent on their way

0753 hours- Dog Barking- Owner was warned of the bylaw

0820 hours- Fraud- Still under investigation.

0907 hours- Theft Under- Wallet and Fob stolen from vehicle, Reported for information purposes

1001 hours- Break and Enter- Shed entered and two locks cut.

1135 hours- Driving Erratic- Still under investigation to follow up with the driver for driving actions

1201 hours- Well Being Check- An individual was with a family member and is not feeling well

1227 hours- Mischief- Christmas lights stolen from a yard. Still under investigation

1411 hours- Trespass- Subject was banned from a business and was charged

1430 hours- Harrassing Calls- Individual was given advice on how to proceed

1520 hours- Theft Under- Boots stolen. Still under investigation to obtain video

1610 hours- MVA Under- Single vehicle MVA. Approximately damages $5000 and no injuries

1625 hours- Assist Locate- Family member left but was located

1638 hours-Still under investigation to contact individual who has items stolen

1700 hours- MVA Over- Three vehicle motor vehicle collision. 2 tows and one minor injury

1726 hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject was banned and removed from business

1801 hours- Dispute- Both parties were spoken to and advice was given

1810 hours-Assault- Safety plan completed with social services. Still under investigation to obtain statement

1846 hours- Assault- Dispute between two parties. Situation mediated

2014 hours- Well Being Check- Spoke with the individual and she was fine.

2026 hours- Dispute- Complainant was provided options

2145 hours- Theft Under- Skidoo was located and towed

2148 hours- Theft Under- Vehicle was smashed by an axe. Purse and wallet stolen from vehicle. Still under investigation

2303 hours- Theft Under- Still under investigation to obtain video footage.

2304 hours- Theft Under- House keys stolen from a roommate. Still under investigation

2343 hours- Assistance to sick person- Spoke with individual and they are at a family members’ and are fine.

2353 hours- Dispute- Spoke with both parties and situation mediated for the night. Social services was notified

0038 hours- Break and Enter- Subject arrested and was charged and held for court

0216 hours- Breach of Recognizance- Subject was located and given a ride to his residence

Assist Other Agency – 7

911 Calls – 7
