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Kelvin Goertzen

Manitoba's Justice Minister says changes are needed to the Criminal Code in Canada.

Kelvin Goertzen says there are people who are getting bail, almost by default, who should not be getting bail. He notes these are individuals who are proven to be violent or repeat offenders who are getting out on bail and creating more victims.

"Every Justice Minister in Canada, and I think I've been a leader in that, has said we need changes to the Criminal Code when it comes to people using knives for violent offences," explains Goertzen. "Make it harder for those individuals to get bail and I'll continue to press the federal government for that and I think I'll be joined by other ministers of justice in Canada."

Goertzen says Justice is a difficult file these days with increased crime across Canada. While places like Winnipeg might see an increase in violent crimes, he notes rural Manitoba is seeing more property crime, though violent crimes still happen too. 

He notes the provincial government has taken steps to try and address this problem, including integrating units, such as the Winnipeg Police Service and the RCMP. Goertzen explains this allows them to go after not only violent offenders but those who have warrants and have proven to be a danger to the community. He notes we can anticipate additional announcements on integrated units in 2023. 

And, finally, Goertzen says Manitobans will be heading to the polls in October for a provincial election. The MLA encourages Manitobans to not only consider their feelings towards the current government but also to look at the opposition and consider how our province might change if that party comes into power.

Author Alias