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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 January 15 – 2023 January 16

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 47

0915 hours – Theft Under – A businesses outside freezer was broken into a $1,500 of product was stolen. Still under investigation.

1014 hours – Dispute – Verbal dispute between two parties. Situation.

1028 hours – Theft Under – Residence entered overnight and $3,800 of items stolen.

1057 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject located and arrested for breach of release order condition.

1301 hours – Motor Vehicle Accident – Two vehicle collision, both towed, no injuries, one ticket issued.

1312 hours – Fire Call – Electrical fire at a residence, fire was under control upon police arrival.

1313 hours – Trespass – Subject located and issued a ticket for trespassing.

1315 hours – Parking Bylaw – Vehicle had been parked for 6 months. Owner contacted, vehicle moved.

1328 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject causing a disturbance in a dwelling unit. Subject located and provided a verbal ban and issued a ticket under the noise bylaw.

1346 hours – Hit and Run – Vehicle was backed into at a commercial business.

1519 hours – Shoplifting – Suspects entered business and stole 6 items. Still under investigation.

1644 hours – Shoplifting – Suspects entered business and stole items. Still under investigation.

2017 hours – Dispute – Ongoing dispute between two parties – separated for the evening.

2101 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject sleeping in stairwell of dwelling unit. Police located subject – left from residence.

2251 hours – Suspicious Person – Someone attempting to enter residence through the back door. Extra patrols in the area were made throughout the night.

0008 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject in a commercial business. Subject located and moved along.

0159 hours – Suspicious Vehicle – Vehicle was stationary for 15 minutes at a business. Police arrived and the subject was moved along without any issues.

Assist other agencies – 3

Curfew Check – 7

911 calls – 6
