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The Kenora and District Chamber of Commerce is trying to find solutions to the safety situation in downtown Kenora.

Andy Scribilo says they met with mayor Andrew Poirier last week to discuss the situation.

“There is no one solution right now that is going to fix the problem, but we have to start somewhere,” says Scribilo.

“With the policing, that is one big part of the solution….is the police presence downtown. In fact, in the whole community, I see they are starting up Neighborhood Watches.”

Scribilo adds they can’t change the situation by themselves.

“We have to lobby all levels of government…municipal, provincial and federal.  It’s come to a head now.  We’re at a crisis right now.  Working together as residents and the community and our business…we’ve got to come up with some solutions.”

Scribilo says the hiring of a Community Safety & Well-Being Coordinator by the city is a step in the right direction.
