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Municipality of Rhineland council in chambers. File photo.

Council and administration for the Municipalty of Rhineland have set out five goals to work towards in the next four years. 

Reeve Don Wiebe explains, the strategic plan is the result of a process that started soon after the municipal election.

"We began with a community consultation meeting, and this took place last month at the Good Neighbour Centre in Rosenfeld where about thirty-five people from across the municipality were invited to share their impressions."

That was followed by a comprehensive survey completed by each member of Council. 

"When all of this information was collected and our planning consultant took it in, we spent two days with Council and staff to arrive at a set of goals for the next four years," added Wiebe. 

The first goal is to address the need for a permanent, dependable supply of sustainable potable water. "This is a huge issue for us because now, it inhibits growth in our area," said Wiebe. 

The second goal centred around the idea of creating a comprehensive drainage plan to help mitigate damage during spring floods and excessive summer rains. 

Council has also committed to continue rallying for the urgent need of cellphone coverage across the municipality, maintain and enhance an effective model for governance, and finally, promote economic development.

Author Alias