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Estevan story
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The leisure centre in Estevan will receive money to improve its HVAC system.

The federal and provincial governments announced today that $19.7 million dollars will be heading to Saskatchewan communities to help with a variety of infrastructure projects.

With the federal government putting forward around 10.8 million, and the province offering 8.9 million, a few different southeast communities will be seeing some benefits.

“Our government is investing nearly $9 million in provincial funding toward these 25 vital infrastructure projects," said Don McMorris, Government Relations Minister for Saskatchewan, "These investments will increase Indigenous cultural learning opportunities, provide recreational opportunities, improve our rural transportation system and support our environment. We will continue to build a stronger Saskatchewan that is home to a strong economy, strong communities, and strong families.”

Below are a few of the communities receiving those funds:

  • Ceylon is receiving $96,742 towards a project to decommission and reclaim their landfill
  • Coronach will get $578,000 to replace an aging swimming pool and support some of the associated works.
  • The resort village of Katepawa is receiving $274,118 to convert a 40-acre municipal reserve into an irrigated year-round recreation park. That will include an outdoor skating and hockey rink that becomes a splash and spray park in the summer.
  • Estevan will be able to rehabilitate the Leisure Centre's rooftop and replace HVAC systems to increase ventilation throughout the building, ensuring long-term sustainability and durability of its rooftop with an investment of $542,094
  • RM of Laurier is using $166,700  from the governments to replace the existing 18.3-metre treated timber bridge with a new structure.
  • Milestone will also be decommissioning their landfill, with the help of a $204,370 investment.
  • Montemarte is using $1,366,240 to make a new pool featuring a zero-depth beach entry and spray park. The project will also construct a new facility for changing rooms, showers, washrooms, and amenities.
  • Radville tops out the southeast with a $1,369,812 investment to upgrade and expand its existing recreation centre and create accessible spaces for users.

In total, the southeast will be receiving $4,598,076 to execute infrastructure projects.

"The investments announced today will create opportunities for Saskatchewanians to build a better future for themselves, their families, and their communities,” said Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure, and Communities,  “We will continue working with our partners to support rural and Indigenous communities across Saskatchewan.”

Author Alias