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The  Pembina Valley Watershed District and Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association have joined forces on a key project.

The groups receiving funding of up to $152,250 from AAFC's AgriRisk Initiatives Research and Development Stream 

They are teaming up with Aquanty, an Ontario software firm, to develop a water forecasting platform.

PVWD Manager Ryan Sheffield says the Pembina Valley watershed is a vitally important region for Manitoba covering 5000 sq. km.

Once completed the water forecasting platform will have the ability to forecast and detail water resources and water movement in the Pembina River Valley for farmers and land managers.

Sheffield says being able to access this new tool will be a valuable asset to have on so many levels, from farming to wetland conservation to infrastructure decisions.

"From a planning perspective, once we all get up to speed on what the tool can exactly do and tell us, we will have access to a database around water movement and water resources that we have never had before.”

The water forecasting platform will be able to forecast soil moisture, groundwater, and surface water flow within a decision support tool that farmers, land managers, and decision-makers can access through the MFGA website.

The Pembina Valley project is the second major water forecasting platform and will include water courses of the Red River Basin.

A similar project underway in the Assiniboine River Basin is on track for completion and launch before the end of March 2023.

Author Alias