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Taken from the stage during Winkler Harvest Festival 2022, one of the most successful events in its history

The Winkler Harvest Festival Committee has been busy getting the ball rolling for the 2023 event.
Winkler City Events Coordinator, Nicole Enns is taking on the challenge of heading up the organizing committee for the first time this year, after shadowing Kathy Bueckert in 2022.
Enns says she's thankful to be following some wonderful women who have done some great planning - and - have left her with that solid plan to work off of.

"I've started talking to agents and looking at bands to bring, and also getting our committee together," said Enns. "Every moving part of the Harvest Festival kind of has a leader. And so those leaders come to the committee meeting and we all get together and share ideas. And then we also build volunteers onto that as well." 

At this stage of planning, Enns says the first thing she wants to get done is to solidify the bands for the festival. Aside from that, there will be a push to get volunteers in place.

"We actually need volunteers in all aspects of the festival, whether it comes to parking, the children's area, if you like custodial type work, we would take those volunteers, and there's the car show." 

To volunteer, Enns says Volunteer forms can be found and filled out online on the Harvest Festival's website. "You fill in your information and click the areas that you wouldn't mind helping, or you can send me an e-mail, or call our office. I'd always love to hear from volunteers."

Enns says this year's festival will only see some minor changes from last year's edition.

"I think we will keep most of the same layout. I believe we will be moving the petting zoo back outside so that it's kind of with the rest of the festival, and not off by itself. And we're also going to move the strong woman area over to the Curling Club parking lot."

The Fawn and Cub Market was a huge draw last year, and Enns says she's hoping to get them back for this year's festival, only with extended hours. Wonder Shows Midway will also be back.

An addition for this year, Enns says they're looking to incorporate beer gardens into the festival.

The 2023 Winkler Harvest Festival will take place from August 11th - August 13th.

Author Alias